Youtube Trending
Many of us spend hours watching Youtube, but what do we watch? Along with our own subscriptions and recommended videos, YouTube presents us with Trending Videos. These videos are selected by YouTube's algorithm as being the most important and popular of a time. Why should you care which videos are trending? If your video is recognized by the Youtube algorithm as trending, the views it gets will skyrocket. This graph shows the change in views of a videos while it is trending; note the drastic increase in views when the video first begins trending.
Our Tools allow you to explore Trending Videos on YouTube. Our Video Exploration Tool lets you compare any of your favorite videos while they were trending during our time period. Here you can see the comparitve comments on some of the most Popular YouTube Videos
If you are interested in looking at data sets based on particular categories or tags, you can use our graph creator. The graph creator lets you look at scatterplots, bar graphs, or line graohs of data sets filtered by tag or category. For example, here is a scatter plot of the likes and dislikes for political videos. You can hover over the points to see the titles of each video and click them to open the video in YouTube
YouTube content creators have the options to disable rating or commnets for their videos. Here are what the ratings for these videos looked like before either were disabled
Now lets look at some of the lowest rated videos to ever trend
Finally, here are the most popular categories and tags for all trending videos